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World Cat Congress 2007
 World Cat Congress 2007 The 2007 World Cat Congress (WCC) was held on 30 March - 2 April in Dortmund, Germany at the Congress Center of the Dortmunder Westfalenhallen.
This years WCC, which was hosted by the World Cat Federation (WCF), with the assistance of WCCs partner, Royal Canin, marked the Congress return to continental Europe for the first time in six years and the second time the WCF has hosted the event. All nine members of the World Cat Congress were represented: Lesley Morgan-Blythe, delegate from the Australian Cat Federation (ACF), Cheryl URen, delegate from the Co-ordinating Cat Council of Australia (CCCA), Pam DelaBar, Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) delegate, Eric Reijers, the Fédération Internationale Félines (FIFe) delegate, Betty Shingleton, delegate from the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), Albie Jobson, delegate from the New Zealand Cat Fancy (NZCF), Kaai du Plessis, delegate from the Southern Africa Cat Council (SACC), Kay De Vilbiss, delegate from The International Cat Association (TICA) and Otrun Wagner, representing the World Cat Federation (WCF).  WCC Officers The format of the World Cat Congress annual meeting, which has remained about the same over the years, consists of a public seminar, a two-day cat show and a business meeting. This year was no exception. Eric Reijers, vice-president of the WCC, opened the four-day event with a welcoming speech to the attendees of the seminar, followed by a welcome from Anneliese Hackmann, president of the host member WCF and from Alban Morin, International Marketing Director of WCCs partner, Royal Canin. Mr. Morin also presented Royal Canins book Practical Guide: Cat Breeding, which was made available to the guests free of charge and in several language versions. World Cat Congress Seminar Presentations
World Cat Federation Cat Show World Cat Congress Business Meeting Interview with the re-elected president, Pam DelaBar Interview with the newly elected vice-president, Ole Magne Grytvik
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