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Sie sind hier: » Startseite» Österreich» Katzen-Buch» Rassen» Buchtipps zur Savannah Katze

Savannah Cat Owners Manual

Savannah Cats Facts and Information. Savannah Cat Care, Personality, Grooming, Health and Feeding All Included - by Elliot Lang

Taschenbuch: 152 Seiten
Verlag: IMB Publishing (8. Juni 2014)
ISBN-13: 978-1910410059
ISBN-10: 1910410055

Hier bei Amazon bestellen!

Everything you need to know about keeping a Savannah cat as a pet. As an animal lover, Elliott Lang enjoys writing animal books and advising others how to take care of their animals to give them a happy home.

This book is a must have guide for anybody passionate about Savannah cats. Savannah Cats Facts and Information. Care, personality, grooming, health and feeding all included.

The book is written in an easy to read and understandable style. In a straight forward, no nonsense fashion, Elliott Lang covers all aspects of keeping Savannah cats as pets.

Elliott Lang says: I have always been in the company of animals. That is the one thing I am most thankful for.

My lovely pets have always been around to provide unconditional affection and love when I needed it the most. My father was instrumental in making me grow fond of animals. He always kept me around animals.

My family, too, have always been hands on with the pets in the household. Whether it was bathing, feeding or taking care of these animals, my family always ensured that the animals got the best of everything.

Our animals were the centre of all our activities. There was not a single day that did not begin with a discussion about our pets. What to feed them? How to take care of a cat or dog that is ailing? What is the most nutritious thing to feed them?

These were common dinner table conversations while I was growing up. So, needless to say, I have had a lot of practical training with respect to taking care of different breeds of animals. Sometimes, I learnt from my family and sometimes, your pet will just tell you what he or she needs.

Today, I am in a very privileged place where I can share this information with pet lovers across the globe. I would have never been able to provide you with so much comprehensive information without the knowledge that I gained from my father, my family and of course my beloved cats.

Weitere Bücher zum Thema

Savannah Cats and Kittens: Complete Owner's Guide to Savannah Cat & Kitten Care

Personality, temperament, breeding, training, health, diet, life expectancy, buying, cost, and more facts - von Taylor David

[27.08.2013]   mehr »

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